During the winter of 2022-2023, together with Kokoamo and designer Maria Silvennoinen, we developed tools for businesses and stakeholders in the Pyhä-Luosto area. These tools aim to help employees settle into the area and communities, improve their daily well-being, and promote work-life balance. We also designed the core messages for the area’s recruitment marketing as part of the project.
In the project, we facilitated co-development workshops for various stakeholders in the area, based on the shared Pouta service by Kaltio and Kokoamo. Through dialogue and creative methods, we effectively captured the unique characteristics of the area, including reasons for relocating to the area, challenges of settling in, Pyhä-Luosto as a residential and work location, and the area’s attractions.
Based on the workshops, we designed three tools: Talkkari-tupatonttu (a helpful house elf), Luppoisa yhteisökeittiö (relaxed community kitchen), and Tunturikaverit (mountain buddies). These tools aim to further engage employees with the area’s workplaces and municipalities. We also brainstormed and developed an information package for new employees, called Muuttajan infopaketti (mover’s information package), which was later implemented by Kota Collective. These tools and the information package are rooted in the area’s communal culture, further strengthening it.
The project was part of the “Osaavaa työvoimaa työyhteisö- ja kumppanuusverkostoilla” initiative (link in Finnish), administered by Lapland ELY Centre, with the goal of improving workforce availability and stability in the Pyhä-Luosto area. It is a part of the Työ2030 program (link in Finnish) for workplace development.